A Message from Steve Outhouse, Campaign Manager

Help Re-Elect Blaine Higgs

I have the honour of working with conservative-minded politicians across the country.

Each province and election is unique, but there are policies and values that the vast majority of Canadian conservatives have in common.

When we see politicians who are brave and principled enough to take these positions, I believe it’s important for conservatives across the country to support them. That’s why I’m honoured to take on the role of Campaign Manager for Premier Higgs and his PCNB team.

New Brunswick allows for political donations from anywhere in Canada. I am asking my fellow conservatives across the country to donate today to help a re-election campaign that I believe is important for conservatives across the country.

Here are four reasons I believe Premier Higgs deserves our support:

Fiscal Conservative Approach

Fiscal prudence is something all conservatives value.

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Common Sense Policies for Parents

What happens in this next election will affect parents and children across the country.

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Principled Support for Israel

Premier Higgs stands with Israel— demonstrating that he is a leader we can trust.

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An Ally for Natural Resource Development.

Canadians need an ally who wants to see Western Canada’s resources get to Atlantic tidewater.

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In all my years in politics, I have never seen a provincial election with such huge ramifications for the entire country. 

Your donation will help make sure we have every opportunity to mount a winning campaign.

With appreciation,

Steve Outhouse
2024 PCNB Campaign Manager

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Donations must be made through personal resources; no union or corporate donations. Maximum of $3000 per person. Each contributor will receive an official receipt in the form required by Elections New Brunswick. Contributions of money will be eligible for the New Brunswick Political Contributions Tax Credit available to residents of New Brunswick under the New Brunswick Income Tax Act.
